Weil ich hier in dem Forum dazu nichts gefunden habe und auch mal was beitragen wollte.
Im grundegenommen wird der fehler genau so ausgelesen wie vom motorsteuergerät laut beschreibung im Technikteil auf mx5.de nur das im diagnosestecker etwas andere pins überbrückt werden.
Es werden TBS und GND überbrückt und +B und FBS mit einer Diode.
Ich kann nur vom Mazda mx-5 Sondermodell Na Bicolor von 1996 berichten.
Und hier natürlich noch die Fehlercodes:
ABS Fehlercodes
11 Right front ABS wheel-speed sensor ********** DTC definition ===> Circuit failure of RF ABS wheelspeed sensor
12 Left front ABS wheel-speed sensor ********** DTC definition ===> Circuit failure of LF ABS wheelspeed sensor
13 Right rear ABS wheel-speed sensor ********** DTC definition ===> Circuit failure of RR ABS wheelspeed sensor
14 Left rear wheel-speed sensor ********** DTC definition ===> Circuit failure of LR ABS wheelspeed sensor
22 Right front ABS pressure reduction solenoid valve ********** DTC definition ===> RF pressure reduction solenoid valve malfunction
23 Right front ABS pressure retention solenoid valve ********** DTC definition ===> RF pressure retention solenoid valve malfunction
24 Left front ABS pressure reduction solenoid valve ********** DTC definition ===> LF pressure reduction solenoid valve malfunction
25 Left front ABS pressure retention solenoid valve ********** DTC definition ===> LF pressure retention solenoid valve malfunction
26 Right rear ABS pressure reduction solenoid valve ********** DTC definition ===> RR pressure reduction solenoid valve malfunction
27 Right rear ABS pressure retention solenoid valve ********** DTC definition ===> RR pressure retention solenoid valve malfunction
28 Left rear ABS pressure reduction solenoid valve ********** DTC definition ===> LR pressure reduction solenoid valve malfunction
29 Left rear ABS pressure retention solenoid valve ********** DTC definition ===> LR pressure retention solenoid valve malfunction
30 ABS HU/CM (pump) ********** DTC definition ===> ABS HU failure
32 Right front solenoid valve, ABS motor, right front ABS wheel- speed sensor/sensor rotor ********** DTC definition ===> RF ABS wheelspeed sensor and/ or ABS HU malfunction Right front solenoid valve, ABS motor, right
33 Left front solenoid valve, ABS motor, left front ABS wheel-speed sensor/sensor rotor) ********** DTC definition ===> LF ABS wheelspeed sensor and/ or
34 Right rear solenoid valve, ABS motor, right rear ABS wheel-speed sensor/sensor rotor ********** DTC definition ===> RR ABS wheelspeed sensor and/ or ABS HU malfunction
35 Left rear solenoid valve, ABS motor, left rear ABS wheel-speed sensor/sensor rotor ********** DTC definition ===> LR ABS wheelspeed sensor and/ or
41 Right front ABS wheel-speed sensor/sensor rotor ********** DTC definition ===> RF ABS wheelspeed sensor and/ or sensor rotor
42 Left front ABS wheel-speed sensor/sensor rotor ********** DTC definition ===> LF ABS wheelspeed sensor and/ or sensor rotor
43 Right rear ABS wheel-speed sensor/sensor rotor ********** DTC definition ===> RR ABS wheelspeed sensor and/ or sensor rotor
44 Left rear ABS wheel-speed sensor/sensor rotor ********** DTC definition ===> LR ABS wheelspeed sensor and/ or sensor rotor
51 Fail-safe relay ********** DTC definition ===> Open circuit fail-safe relay
52 Fail-safe relay ********** DTC definition ===> Circuit failure of fail-safe relay
53 ABS motor, motor relay ********** DTC definition ===> Open circuit of ABS motor and/or motor relay
54 ABS motor, motor relay ********** DTC definition ===> circuit failure of ABS motor and/or motor relay
61 ABS HU/CM (CM) ********** DTC definition ===> Defecive ABS CM
63 ABS HU/CM , power supply ********** DTC definition ===> Battery low voltage
Das ganze klappt auch für das automatik getriebe. Wer dazu was erfahren möchte einfach anqutschen![]()